Tuesday 25 September 2018

How Things Become Popular: The Hype Phenomenon

We live in an age where the internet allows for anything entertaining to reach a level where everybody knows about it. This popular concept has been pegged as a “hype” or going “viral”. Whether it’s a book, a video, or even a silly picture, there are some factors that explain this widespread phenomenon.

1. Relating to people

Many of us want to relate to things to feel understood and not alone. It could take the form of a meme that represents exactly how we’re feeling in that moment or a music video that tugs at our heartstrings. Once we find that something and share it, others may find themselves relating to it as well. This creates a domino effect which then leads to the creation of a community of people relating to each other. Tapping into people’s emotions is an effective way to make something really take off.

2. Shock factor

Some people really crave shock value, so they create or share things that might be controversial to the masses or hook the readers, which increases their fan base. People have a natural curiosity, especially when strong emotions are evoked by what they’re viewing or reading. They’ll want to share it to see how their friends will react to it as well, and a domino effect is then born. Whether it’s in a positive or negative light, the shock factor works.

3. Practicality

This is probably the most popular reason that something goes viral. If it’s very practical, it’ll most probably be something a lot of people will share. It could be anything from news to how to make something from scratch. Whatever it is, if it makes aspects of your life easier, it’ll take off on its own.

4. Imagination

Some people have amazing imaginations who create things that intrigue many people. Writers have the ability to build worlds that only exist in between the pages of their books. Take J.K Rowling with the Harry Potter fantasy series, or the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, for example. These authors and their books became so popular with their imaginative stories that they gripped people and pulled them in. They even inspired the production of movies based on their novels. Don’t underestimate the power of a good imagination!

There could be many factors as to why things become popular or viral. It could even be as simple as luck. Typically though, the four reasons mentioned above are key ingredients to making something spread like wildfire. If you’re searching for popular content or the top of entertainment out there, try browsing through www.librange.com. You might find what you’re looking for!

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